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Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

                                      DAY NASIONAL EDUCATION

On the day of national education in Indonesia took place on 2 May 2012. Education  day national aims is a day to honor the heroes pendidilan services in indonesia. After that remember with a day in all Indonesia education communities in Indonesia that the sacrifice of national heroes in education are enormous. One of the national hero is kihajar Dewantara.  On the 2  May is the birthday of Ki Hajar Dewantara.
In ancient times in our country, people are very hard in getting a decent education, only the famous and wealthy people who can get a decent mendidikan. For the poor must work hard and not easy to transform and get pendidikan. All need to sacrifice something.
           For in the current era of education obtained by the calm in the Dutch colonial era. Education can be enjoyed and done by all the rich and poor alike. Although there are a lot of people think that education is something that is costly and burdensome needs in his life. Education is very important for the elements in the population / community in Indonesia. As for the words that say "studying up to China" it is that education is important in the advancement of the country. Even in today's financial budget for the education of the country is very large in accordance with the mandate of the law.Although the implementation is still not going according to what is expected. What is important, education is a strong foundation for a nation.
Education has a meaning and a very broad sense. Komponens-integrated into each component in education to build a national education. In our school education is now required is 9 years old came from elementary, junior high and then Last in high school.However, not only through high school education but can be up to university / college. So that the education  must be received by all the people of Indonesia.