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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012


Panjalu is a organizasion is one of agriculture faculty.The organizasi this a first college for me. Anderstanding the Panjalu is “Pancaran Jiwa Luhur”.This is has four field of music, theater ,dance and art. This into the organisazion, i Find to my friends of Senior to Junior. Many my Friends this panjalu a brother and sister for me.This a pleasure in my life and unforgettable.

The first sign in this organizasion,i feel the challenge. This  early stages of such training in the later stages of the senior scold it all into an experience that I do not forget for me. Then the junior make held to event with the name is “PESENAN”.

The date PESENAN is March 23 and 25 to a play show. This pesenan has a expected even though the many problem . At the show,i show the dance modern with fendik and yovi to march 23. March 25 i show performend with fendik and bantal...and everything went succesfully   

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


Agus : Good morning, ladies and gentleman, my name is Agus Setiawan. On this afternoon, we will read a headline news, it is about food problem. At this time, Indonesia still importing rice in large-scale. It is one of goverment effort to devending national food condition. So, we will show you our reporter’s interview to a farmer. He will ask the farmer about rice imort by the goverment.

Kendi : good morning, what is your name and what you do ?

Gilang : my name is Gilang and i’m a farmer.

Kendi : Rice import is a goverment effort as decreasing food national solution. How your opinion about that?

Gilang: Based on this goverment solution, I am a farmer feel “restless and confused.” Our goverment takes a very short thought about that. Indonesia is a large country and has large prospect to advance agriculture sector, but the goverment doesn’t governance it well. May be they will be angry after hear my opinion. However, rice import in this country is a fact and the real life that can not be denied. I think the processing of agriculture sector, specially for Agriculture Departement that have role in the advance of agriculture, are fail to utilize the agriculture potention in Indonesia.

Kendy: Why can you say that?

Gilang: At the past, the other country assuming that Indonesia is agrarian country and has great potention. But now, it’s just a sentences that far away from the reality. Why not? Our country has a large fertile soil and there is so much fields that can be used well. Why the goverment don’t pay attention to them? If that’s true, I am as the one of the farmer feel so sorry and so sad about this country. And, if that’s wrong, please give me and other farmers the real proof that the goverment working well, not just saying without proof. I give them some solution and suggestion to pay attention to the farmers. My solution is not importing the rise and the other agriculture product. The second is building and pay attention us, the Indonesian farmers, to raising some quality rise and competent with the other country product.

Kendy: Thank your very much, sir. That’s all my interview with the leader of Farmer Association. Then, we bring back the program. Agus, your turn.

Agus: Well, Ladies and Gentleman, Thats all the interview our reporter with the leader of Farmer Association that dissagree about rice import that conducted by the goverment. Well, let’s continue the program. Now, our reporter will has a great interview with Ennis Harimurti, one of the Agirculture Goverment. So, let’s rock baby...

Kendy: Good afternoon. Thank you before by your opportunity. What is your name and what you do?

Ennis: My name is Ennis Harimurti, I am one of the Agriculture Goverment.

Kendy: Well, Mrs. Ennis, the rice import is the great problem for our country, and it has became the headline. How your oppinion?

Ennis: Rise import actually is thinking-able goverment effort. We also think the impact to the farmers. There are so much I see dissagreement people to the rise import program. We do it to defending the food endurance. If we don’t import the rise, it will be rise crisis in our country.

Kendy: Why you think that? It will complicate our farmers and make our people dependents by rise import from other country, doesn’t?

Ennis: Just watch it. How our agriculture at this time? Fields is decreasing more and more, and the population is increasing more and more. Rise import is the best for us and the future of our country. If we not, the rise crisis is coming.

Kendy: What the goverment will do to suggestion the people to trust this program?

Ennis: As an Indonesian people, let’s thingking. If the program is not done, the crisis will coming. The socialitu gap is more high. We know that it will make negative effect. But we will try to minimze this condition. This is public program.

Kendy: Well, thank you very much. I return it to Agus on the studio now. That’s all our report with one of The Agriculture Goverment.

Agus: Well, ladies and Gentlemen. That’s all our news for this afternoon. I’m Agus Setiawan say thanks and good afternoon.
